Monday, September 27, 2010

Old But Still Sleepy Sleep

If you've slept for hours but still feel sleepy, then you need to be alert to the presence of disease in the body. Drowsiness is a sign of a given body for the rest, which usually come at night or when feeling tired.
However, certain conditions can make people always feel sleepy, even in work time.What cause?
1. Anemia
Anemia is a major cause of sleep often comes. Anemia causes a lack of iron, red blood cells needed to carry oxygen to tissues and organs was reduced, causing people often feel sleepy.
2. Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormone production)
The thyroid is a small gland at the base of the neck, which controls the metabolism and speed of change of fuel into energy. When the gland is less active and metabolic functions are too slow, one can feel lethargic body and always sleepy.
3. Diabetes
Glucose is the fuel of the energy released in the cells because of the presence of oxygen. People with type 2 diabetes have high blood glucose levels, because the body can not use this glucose to provide energy. Therefore, individuals with type 2 diabetes complained of feeling tired and sleepy all the time.
4. Dehydration
Fatigue and drowsiness can be a sign of dehydration. Immediately inadequate water in the body needs to always feel fresh and vibrant.
5. Depression
Depression is not Hanyan emotional disturbances but also contributes to many physical symptoms. Fatigue, always sleepy, headache and loss of appetite is one of the most common symptoms in people suffering from depression.
6. Sleep disturbance
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia can also cause feelings of fatigue and sleepiness constantly. Sleep is used to enable the body to return, repair body cells and rejuvenate.
While the people who suffer from lack of sleep due to insomnia, sleep apnea, the respiratory system will be inhibited so often cause fatigue and sleepiness.
7. Heart disease
As easy to feel tired and sleepy in performing daily activities, should you need to make sure that your heart in good circumstances, as always sleepy could be early signs of heart disease.
8. Chronic fatigue syndrome
Tired usually disappear immediately when brought to rest. But for chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue does not quickly disappear and are usually characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, muscle pain and in some cases memory loss.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Match your blood with the fact

In general, human blood is divided into groups A, B, O, AB, of the four classes turned out to have the uniqueness of each one that affects a person's character. 

In Japan, the predictions about a person more determined by blood type than the star sign or zodiac. 

He said, blood type is determined by certain proteins that build all the cells in our bodies and therefore also determine our psychology. 

True or not? 
Here's an explanation of blood groups is based on research conducted in Japan. 

A = organized, consistent, high teamwork spirit, but always worried (because of a perfectionist) that sometimes makes people easy resentful, political leanings: "Destra" 
B = relax, easy going, free, and most enjoy life, political leanings, "the left" 
O = high-minded, outgoing, do not want relented, allergies in the details, political leanings: "centro" 
AB = a unique, resourceful, double personality, political leanings 

The most easily late matter of time: 
B (because always relax) 
O (as flamboyant) 
AB (for easy change of program) 
A (due to failure in discipline) 

The most difficult to tolerate the faults of: 
A (because of a perfectionist and narcissi) 
B (because of easy going but also easy judging) 
AB (since the origin diff) 
O (easy judging but also easy pardoning) 

The most reliable: 
A (because of consistent and obey the law) 
O (in order to maintain balance) 
B (for the sake of enjoyment of life) 
AB (easy to change frames of reference) 

Most preferred to be a friend: 
O (the person sportsmanship) 
A (always on time and exactly) 
AB (creative) 
B (depending on mood) 

In contrast, the least preferred friend: 
B (selfish, easy come, easy go, the wish itself) 
AB (double standard) 
A (too devout and scrupulous) 
O (hard to beat) 

The most easy to get lost / lost: 

The most medals won in Olympic sports: 
O (good at sports) 
A (exact and mathematical) 
B (not affected by pressure from around. Almost all the athletes judo, swimming and wrestling in japan is B) 
AB (allergic to every kind of sport) 

The most widely so the director and leaders: 
O (because of spirited leadership and problem-solver) 
A (because the impersonal "minute" and meticulous) 
B (it is sensitive and easy to take decisions) 
AB (because of creative and likes to take risks) 
Who became Prime japan average blood O (-spirited leader) 
Students of Tokyo University in general blood bergol: B 

The most easily saving: 
A (like calculating bank interest) 
O (like looking at the prospect) 
AB (save for a project) 
B (new save a lot if you have money) 

The most powerful memories: 
The most suitable person so MC is blood group A (rich planner runs) 

The most long life: 
O (not easy to stress, its antibody most Joss!) 
A (regular life) 
B (easy to find compensation for stress) 
AB (unorganized) 

The most easy fat: 
O (a big appetite, eating cepet more) 
B (eating the old, add on, and again like good food) 
A (only eat what's on the plate, affected by diet) 
AB (eat depends on their mood, easy to hit anoressia) 
The easiest is a person bitten by mosquitoes that blood O (sweet blood) 

The most simple flu / fever / cough / cold: 
A (weak against viruses and other infectious disease) 
AB (weak against hygiene) 
O (eat anything good or bad) 
B (eat, sleep, irregular) 

In the meal-feeding at a party: 
O (took a lot of animal protein, principally meat) 
A (took a balanced, healthy 4 5 perfect) 
B (like take a lot of water content foods such as soup, soup, meatballs, etc.) 
AB (hobby is tasting all the dishes, "moral hazard") 

The most rapid bald: 

Who sleep most soundly and hard wake up: 
B (still snoring despite the Tsunami) 
AB (if another mood, sleeping is everything) 
A (sleep should be 8 hours a day, according to the law) 
O (new sleep when really tired and in need) 

The most fastest fall asleep: 
B (easiest sleepy, even while stand up able to fall asleep) 
O (if more tired and sleepy no easy job) 
AB (depending on the will) 
A (depending on the rules and orario) 

The disease is easy to attack: 
A (stress, insane / daze) 
B (weak against the influenza virus, the lungs) 
O (indigestion and abdominal morbidity) 
AB (cancer and heart attacks, easily startled) 

What needs to be encouraged to stay healthy: 
A (for being too perfectionist then not ever relax, do not be too uptight and serious) 
B (because it was too hard to concentrate, not ever need a little serious, meditating, playing chess) 
O (because of its high concentration, it is necessary also to chat casually, roads) 
AB (because of easy fatigue, it is necessary to look for fun activities and make relief) 

The most frequent traffic accidents (based on police data): 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9 Myth of Health who may have misled you!

We've heard a lot of health information that is circulated from mouth to mouth in public.We take it as truth because most people believe. In fact, some of the myths that are not supported by scientific truth. Here are nine of them. 

1. Reading in the dark ruin your eyes 
Have you ever been advised not to read in the dark because it can damage the eye?Reading in the dark will only be tiring eyes but does not damage our eyes. 

The heart is on the left chest 
Almost every person when asked where the heart it will be holding the left chest. 
This is a wrong understanding. The heart is located almost in the middle of our chest, stored safely in the back of the chest cavity. 

Stress can make hair gray overnight 
Evidence did show that stress can speed up gray hair. 
Someone who is experiencing tension and sadness in a long time can more quickly have gray hair. However, the process is not in one night. The process changes the color becomes gray hair occurs gradually. The pattern of discoloration is usually genetic, there are still black hair there is also a change of gray. 

The best way to be slim is to eat as little as possible. 
If you eat very little, your weight will go down quickly, which seems very effective. 
But in the long run it is bad for your health and your weight. If you eat too little, you will lack vitamins and minerals so weak and tired. Your body will lack the energy needed and will seek alternative sources of energy by burning fat muscle. Also slows down your metabolism, because muscle mass is reduced to make slower combustion. Your body becomes very efficient. If you then break your diet and eat more (the majority of people do), then the combination of efficiency and excessive calorie intake will make your weight quickly rose again. Often the weight you are more than ever. This is often called yo-yo effect. The best way to be slim is with a program that combines a gradual decline in calorie intake and increase in combustion. 

The best way to overcome the hiccups is to drink water 
Medically, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of drinking water or hold your breath in overcoming the hiccups. 
Instead, according to the old recommendation from the New England Journal of Medicine (1971), swallowing a spoonful of granulated sugar was more effective. According to the study, this tactic succeeded in stopping hiccups in 19 out of 20 patients. 

Chills makes you vulnerable to the flu 
A study was conducted at the Common Cold Research Unit, Salisbury, England, where a group of volunteers inoculated with influenza virus is brought near to their noses. 
Half the group was placed in a warm room while the rest take a bath and soaked for half an hour, then dressed but wearing wet socks for several hours. The group did not get the flu more wet than the dry group. Conclusion: The cold does not affect the immune system. 

Warm milk make children fall asleep easily 
Milk contains little tryptophan, a type of amino acids that affect sleep easy. 
However, you need gallons of milk to feel the effect. When you find your child is so easy to fall asleep after drinking milk, actually rutinitasnyalah that helps children become calm. 

We only use 10 percent of our brain. 
Numerous brain imaging studies have shown that no one else in the brain region that is really silent or inactive. 
Detailed brain imaging has failed to identify 90 percent of the contents of the brain that "are not utilized." The myth that only a small portion of our brains are used may come from sellers who try to offer a "new innovation" in improving the ability of the brain. 

Shaving makes hair grow back more quickly and harshly. 
Waxing, shaving or tweezing will not change the texture or growth rate. 
The new hair grows back is blunt, but in time they will look exactly like your hair before.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Proper motion in the morning will make you focus, excited and looking positive despite the daily routine is quite tiring. here's 8 tips that will make you greet the morning with more vigor. 

Look Something Colorful 
"When your eyes open and see something in color, 
adrenaline is triggered and immediately all your energy will be encouraged, "said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. 
Use bright colors like red, orange or yellow on a pillow, blanket or anything that was near the area mattress when you open your eyes for the first time. 

Wake up and Look at the Roses 
"Seeing a flower roses when waking up, especially for women will improve the mood and spirit that will last all day," says Nancy Etcoff, PhD, a member of the Harvard Medical School and the Harvard University Mind / Brain / Behavior Initiative. 

Stop Button Pressed 'Snooze' Your Alerts 
"When you press the snooze button, your brain knows and will say that the sound was going to die a few minutes, so you will sleep more soundly. 
But it also means you'll be more tired of hearing the sound of it than when he heard the sound of it the first time. 

"The most appropriate strategy is to set the alarm on the clock where you really will wake up, do not set it early because you know it will only make you more often press the snooze button," says Jodi Mindell, PhD, of The Sleep Disorders Center at 
the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 
Describe your day a moment 
When you really wake up, close your eyes for a moment and describe what you would do on that day with great spirit and positive. 
"Imagine the next activity will stimulate the brain to think and you'll try to make it happen when it is really on the move," says Dana Lightman, PhD, a psychologist dai Abington, PA. 

Drink Water Immediately After the Wake 
Drinking a glass of water immediately after waking is a good way to replace body fluids that reduced last night. 
"Everything that happens in the body require water. Without enough water, the body's metabolic system will work harder which can lead to a weakened organ function, "says Holly Andersen, MD, an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical Center. 

Let the Sun Go Rays 
Sunlight touches the skin will make you more awake. 
Read the newspaper near the window or go out for coffee just a few minutes. 

"The light of morning that comes into the body like a biological clock that will stop the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that makes people drowsy and increase the hormone serotonin which triggers one's mood" said James B. Maas, PhD, a professor of psychology at Cornell University. 

Give a little massage on face 
Massaging the area around the face will improve blood circulation and accelerate the awakening. Start massaging from the forehead, cheek, hit-hit with the palm of the hand, then the chin area and eventually across the face. In addition to improving blood circulation, massage movement can make you glow quickly. 

Play Slightly 
Physical activity is a powerful way to get rid of lazy. 

hopefully helpful

Saturday, September 18, 2010

10 Health Tips

1. Keep your eyes with Papaya Seed Health 
How to maintain eye health? According to dr. Rini Mahendra SPM way that is easy to do, one of them is by eating papaya seeds. Why papaya seeds? It is said that papaya seeds contain lycopene compounds that are important for eye health. If you can not bear to think getirnya, then you can eat them with added honey, or as a mixture of tea. In addition, these seeds can also be dried or roasted and then eaten as a snack. Eat regularly, about three times a day as much as ten points. 

2. Tomato Seeds Prevent Heart Disease 
You like to drink tomato juice but often discard the seeds? Perhaps after reading this article that habit must be changed. Based on research conducted by the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that liquid or slippery yellow jelly around tomato seeds found containing compound or mixture of ingredients that works to combat strokes and heart disease. When you drink tomato juice without removing the seeds, then you have to reduce the risk of blood clots around 72 percent, up to you to avoid heart disease. 

3. Do Old Tea dye 
Recognized nutritious tea for health. Tea consumption has also been a broad audience as a daily beverage. Tea is packaged in a tea bag tea powder too. But there is a need to be considered in tea bags, namely its use. Tea bag should not be immersed for too long. This applies to all teas, or tea-colored green. This is due to the chlorine content of substances in tea bag paper bag. This substance functions for disinfecting the paper so that paper will be free from bacterial decay and durable. Paper with chlorine look more clean. But disinfectants in large numbers do not vary much with insect poison. 
So it is recommended not to dip the tea bag in a long time. If the dye tea bags more than 3-5 minutes, the chlorine will also dissolve in tea. To avoid the possibility of illness, you should not immerse the tea bag more than 3 minutes. 

4. Gargle At Asthma 
Asthma is one of the most chronic disease patients in the world. According to dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, SPP (K), MARS, DTM & H, estimated in 2005 there are approximately 100 million additional people with asthma in the world. Asthma medication is there a salve, there is also a controller. Asthma medication most safe and effective is given in the form of sprayed or inhaled as it will go directly to the respiratory tract, the effect was rapid, minimal side effects, and a small dose. 

5. Cut 
Little suffered injuries due to playing a knife to cut his skin? 
Here are the steps that can be done: 
• If the wound is small, just pressed just a few seconds with a sterile cotton or gauze to dry up and stop the bleeding. 
• Do not lubricate the wound with cotton as it can damage the wound until the bleeding edge of new increases. Give an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. 
• If the blood had dried up / stop new covered with plaster 

6. Fever First Aid 
The important thing to do is lower the patient's body temperature, can compress using cold water, give febrifuge, also accompanied pengipasan for body heat to evaporate soon. Kompreskan chest cold water on the left or the crown of the head of the beneficial reduce the heat faster. It's safer to use febrifuge species of paracetamol, which are sold freely, especially for children aged under 5 years old. 

7. Treatment For Dark Circles Around Eyes 
Grated potatoes can reduce the black color in the circle of the eye. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which is often used as cosmetic ingredients in order to brighten the skin. Blend the potato and wrap potatoes blended with a clean cloth. Attach directly to the area under the eyes, and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Do not let the potatoes go into the eye. Clean. 

8. Reduce Wrinkles in Face 
To reduce wrinkles on the face, can be used easy and cheap way is to take advantage of green grapes. Wines of this type are often used as one ingredient in cosmetics anti wrinkle cream. But you can make your own anti-wrinkle ingredients, how to split the wine into two and then rubbing the face and neck. Make sure you menggosokannya in the area around the mouth. Let stand for 20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Do it every day, and you will see changes in your face. Do not forget to drink water at least eight glasses a day. And eating foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, celery and spinach. Usakan sleep eight hours a day. 

9. Apple Mask for Oily Skin 
This mask is perfect for oily skin, manufacture and use is also very easy. 
• One medium size apple, grated 
• Five tablespoons honey 
Mix the grated apple and honey well. Apply to entire face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water. 

10. Skin Sauna 
A good skin care one of them with facial sauna. All you need is a bowl filled with hot water added with some essential oils to suit your skin type: 
Normal: Mandarin and Lavender 
Oily: Lemon and White Wood Oil 
Dry: Rose and Camomile 
Wrap a towel over his head, and let steam your face with a distance of 30 cm from the bowl for about two minutes. This step will open the pores so the skin is ready for dimasker. You should not do the sauna face if the skin is sensitive, are pregnant or suffer from asthma.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 Unique Ideas to Address Environmental Problems

1. Encircle the earth with the light reflective glass 

When you are on the beach, you might want to avoid silaunya sun by wearing sunglasses or a hat. Some scientists have proposed a similar strategy in reducing global warming: create a ring of sunlight reflector and debua space in orbit around the equator. This idea will reduce the amount of solar radiation on the planet and few greenhouse gases triggers. This wild idea would cost very expensive, with the potential price of about trillions of U.S. dollars. 

2. Fill the sea with iron material 
This is the basic idea: the process of plankton photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide from the air to make food. When the plankton die, they will sink to the bottom of the ocean along with the carbon in that smoked. Because iron stimulates the growth of plankton, some people claim to fertilize the oceans with iron material to create a lot of plankton that can suck carbon dioxide. Some private companies joined forces to dump iron into the ocean to sell carbon credits, but scientists have questioned how effective carbon sequestration. Some environmental groups also warned that the iron can hurt the local ecosystem. 

3. Continue to move and mix the ocean 
Environmental experts and specialists future James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis, make a funny scheme to tackle global warming. Lovelock idea is to use a pipe to stimulate mixing of ocean-seas of the world, to the depth, the water will feed nutrsi rich collection of algae that would suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and sinks along the ocean floor when the algae to die. But this method is only temporary, because the warming will continue to happen. 

4. Filling the air with sulfur 
Some types of aerosols or air fresheners, small particles will be trapped in the air and cause a cooling effect in the atmosphere. These particles will hinder some sun and menghamburkannya heat radiation back to space. The cooling effect on Earth's climate can often be seen after volcanic eruptions, which spew millions of tons of sulfur into the atmosphere. Some scientists claim that for mentetralkan global warming, we can mimic the natural behavior by injecting sulfur into the atmosphere. One problem that will arise is that the plan will result in acid rain. 

5. Let the worm was in the kitchen 

Worms can be useful by putting them into the organic waste which then turned into compost. 

6. Fox diet 
If the American people a lot of walking and avoid eating red meat, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to attack the epidemic of obesity. A scientist has calculated that if all Americans between the ages of 10 to 74 years walk half an hour a day instead of by car, then it would cut carbon dioxide emissions by 64 million tonnes (and also a few pounds of body weight). UN food agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the red meat industry is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, through the use of artificial fertilizers, animal manure and energy needed to transport animal feed and red meat. 

7. Burying carbon gas 
As we continue to heat the earth with carbon dioxide, some scientists propose to withdraw the excess carbon dioxide and store it somewhere, maybe in the basement, a layer of coal or gas and oil fields that have been empty. To do so, carbon dioxide must be separated from the factory, in compression and in injected into the underground, which will last for thousands of years. Still there are some questions about the cost of carbon dioxide is siphoned from the factory, and environmental problems of leaking gas from the soil. 

8. Living with waste 
This does not mean you should stop taking out the trash every week and start living in a sea of paper and food wrappers. A technical expert from the University of Leeds in England have made building materials from waste materials (such as recycled glass, the former combustion ash). Bitublocks can be used to build houses. Also in the making also takes less energy than the manufacture of brick. Other scientists have also proposed the use of waste material from poultry farms, such as chicken feathers to make environmentally friendly plastics. 

9. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions 
Proposals to change the pollution produced by energy generation, limiting the amount of carbon dioxide in business, industry or country, or the taxation of greenhouse gas emissions would bring emissions to a level lower overall, and many countries have signed a voluntary pledge to cut emissions Kyoto Protocol. Some states, particularly California, has prompted a regulation to address carbon dioxide. 

10. Restricting the use of plastic bags and incandescent lamps 
This may sound like a hasty decision, but San Francisco, China and Australia all have to apply them. China wants to clear the country of "white pollution" - plastic bags that clog the roads and drainage. Australia hopes to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce household electrical bills by removing a gradual use of incandescent lamps. Some of the measures it has gained momentum in recent years by government intervention in the fight against plastic waste and inefficient lighting. But before you worry about how you carry your grocery items, there are several alternatives such as recycled paper bags and more efficient fluorescent lamps.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

benefits of cinnamon

Sweet skin or better known as inappropriate cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, synonym C. zeylanicum) is a kind of spice trees. Included in the type of spice is very flavorful, sweet, and spicy. People commonly use spices baked into sweet foods, sweet hot wine.cinnamon is one of the oldest food ingredients used by humans. This spice is used in Ancient Egypt around 5000 years ago, and mentioned several times in the Testament books Lama.Kayu Traditional sweet also serve as a Supplement to various diseases, with mixed honey, such as treatment for inflammatory diseases Joints, Skin, HeartBloating and Stomach. 

The combination of cinnamon and honey was able to cure many diseases. Fortunately for us, both can be obtained easily anywhere and without side effects. Modern scientists now also has agreed to the efficacy of cinnamon and honey are amazing in curing various Disease. scientists said today that even though honey is sweet, but if taken in proper doses, will not harm people with diabetes. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, January 17, 1995 edition, gives the following list will savor of cinnamon and honey, from the findings of Western scientists. 

list properties of cinnamon 

Heart Disease 

Apply honey and cinnamon powder on your bread, instead of jam or jelly, and eat every breakfast. This is helpful in reducing cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart disease. For those who have had previous heart attacks, but if you have this habit, will help them for not having a heart attack next. Use of this breakfast recipe regularly help relieve shortness of breath and strengthens heart. in America and Canada, many nursing homes have been successfully treated patients with this recipe and found that with age, arteries and blood vessels to lose flexibility and begin to clog, but cinnamon and honey fix the arteries and blood vessels. 

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and evening, a cup of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of powdered cinnamon. If the recipe is consumed regularly, even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a study conducted by Copenhagen University, found that when doctors treat their patients with a blend of one tablespoon of honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder before breakfast, it was a week later, from 200 patients, 73 of them recovered from the pain of arthritis, and within a month most of the patients who could not walk or move because of arthritis, then began to walk without pain again. 

Bladder Infections 
Drink a glass of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey. This solution kills germs in the bladder. 

Patients who suffer from regular or high fever can consume a glass of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of honey with ¼ tablespoon ground cinnamon three times a day. If done regularly, will cure a fever, chronic cough and sinus relief. 

Stomach ache 
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder to cure stomach ache and also overcome the injuries to the abdomen (gastrointestinal tract). 

Based on research in India and Japan, found that honey mixed with cinnamon powder can relieve flatulence. 

Immune System 
Eating honey and cinnamon powder can enhance the immune system and protects the body against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have discovered that honey contains vitamins and iron in large quantities. Regularly consume honey will strengthen white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses. 

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tablespoons of honey before eating nutritious reduce excess stomach acid and helps in digestion of heavy food. 

A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural composition which kills influenza germs and cure the patient from flu. 

Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder, when consumed regularly will give long life properties. Mix 4 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, with three cups of water, then preheat like making tea. Drink ¼ cup of the solution 3-4 times a day. This will make the skin fresh, soft, and look younger. Your age will be longer and even when reaching the age of 100 years, you will still be able to work. 

Combine 3 tablespoons of honey with one cinnamon powder into a cream. Apply this cream on the pimples before sleeping and wash next morning with warm water. If done every day for 2 weeks, this will get rid of acne until the root. 

Put honey and cinnamon powder in equal doses to the skin problem will cure eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections. 

Lose Weight 
Every day before breakfast (stomach empty) and every night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder is heated in a cup of water. If consumed regularly, will help you lose weight even in patients with severe obesity. In addition, this solution if taken regularly will prevent the fat to accumulate in the body even if you eat high-calorie foods. 

Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that stomach cancer and advanced stage of bone can be treated successfully, where the patients take a tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of powdered wood for a month three times a day. 

Recent research has shown that the sugars contained in honey is a healing effect than the health. Seniors who take honey and cinnamon powder with the same concentration, his body will be more fresh and concentrate fully. Dr. Milton who do research on honey and cinnamon powder, said that half tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water and sprinkled ground cinnamon, if taken after the morning and brush your teeth at about 3 pm, will increase the vitality of a person who has exhausted within 1 week. 

Mouth Odor
The people of South America, first thing every morning is to gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder dissolved in warm water. This habit makes their breath stays fresh throughout the day. 

Hearing Loss 
Eating honey and cinnamon powder in equal doses every morning and evening will restore hearing problems.

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