Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 Unique Ideas to Address Environmental Problems

1. Encircle the earth with the light reflective glass 

When you are on the beach, you might want to avoid silaunya sun by wearing sunglasses or a hat. Some scientists have proposed a similar strategy in reducing global warming: create a ring of sunlight reflector and debua space in orbit around the equator. This idea will reduce the amount of solar radiation on the planet and few greenhouse gases triggers. This wild idea would cost very expensive, with the potential price of about trillions of U.S. dollars. 

2. Fill the sea with iron material 
This is the basic idea: the process of plankton photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide from the air to make food. When the plankton die, they will sink to the bottom of the ocean along with the carbon in that smoked. Because iron stimulates the growth of plankton, some people claim to fertilize the oceans with iron material to create a lot of plankton that can suck carbon dioxide. Some private companies joined forces to dump iron into the ocean to sell carbon credits, but scientists have questioned how effective carbon sequestration. Some environmental groups also warned that the iron can hurt the local ecosystem. 

3. Continue to move and mix the ocean 
Environmental experts and specialists future James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis, make a funny scheme to tackle global warming. Lovelock idea is to use a pipe to stimulate mixing of ocean-seas of the world, to the depth, the water will feed nutrsi rich collection of algae that would suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and sinks along the ocean floor when the algae to die. But this method is only temporary, because the warming will continue to happen. 

4. Filling the air with sulfur 
Some types of aerosols or air fresheners, small particles will be trapped in the air and cause a cooling effect in the atmosphere. These particles will hinder some sun and menghamburkannya heat radiation back to space. The cooling effect on Earth's climate can often be seen after volcanic eruptions, which spew millions of tons of sulfur into the atmosphere. Some scientists claim that for mentetralkan global warming, we can mimic the natural behavior by injecting sulfur into the atmosphere. One problem that will arise is that the plan will result in acid rain. 

5. Let the worm was in the kitchen 

Worms can be useful by putting them into the organic waste which then turned into compost. 

6. Fox diet 
If the American people a lot of walking and avoid eating red meat, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to attack the epidemic of obesity. A scientist has calculated that if all Americans between the ages of 10 to 74 years walk half an hour a day instead of by car, then it would cut carbon dioxide emissions by 64 million tonnes (and also a few pounds of body weight). UN food agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the red meat industry is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, through the use of artificial fertilizers, animal manure and energy needed to transport animal feed and red meat. 

7. Burying carbon gas 
As we continue to heat the earth with carbon dioxide, some scientists propose to withdraw the excess carbon dioxide and store it somewhere, maybe in the basement, a layer of coal or gas and oil fields that have been empty. To do so, carbon dioxide must be separated from the factory, in compression and in injected into the underground, which will last for thousands of years. Still there are some questions about the cost of carbon dioxide is siphoned from the factory, and environmental problems of leaking gas from the soil. 

8. Living with waste 
This does not mean you should stop taking out the trash every week and start living in a sea of paper and food wrappers. A technical expert from the University of Leeds in England have made building materials from waste materials (such as recycled glass, the former combustion ash). Bitublocks can be used to build houses. Also in the making also takes less energy than the manufacture of brick. Other scientists have also proposed the use of waste material from poultry farms, such as chicken feathers to make environmentally friendly plastics. 

9. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions 
Proposals to change the pollution produced by energy generation, limiting the amount of carbon dioxide in business, industry or country, or the taxation of greenhouse gas emissions would bring emissions to a level lower overall, and many countries have signed a voluntary pledge to cut emissions Kyoto Protocol. Some states, particularly California, has prompted a regulation to address carbon dioxide. 

10. Restricting the use of plastic bags and incandescent lamps 
This may sound like a hasty decision, but San Francisco, China and Australia all have to apply them. China wants to clear the country of "white pollution" - plastic bags that clog the roads and drainage. Australia hopes to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce household electrical bills by removing a gradual use of incandescent lamps. Some of the measures it has gained momentum in recent years by government intervention in the fight against plastic waste and inefficient lighting. But before you worry about how you carry your grocery items, there are several alternatives such as recycled paper bags and more efficient fluorescent lamps.


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