Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Foods containing toxins

many of us do not know the content of which is in the food we eat often, but a lot of foods that have substances that are harmful to the body and is more interesting is there are many foods that contain toxins, but often we eat. 

1. Tomatoes 
Many of us who do not know that tomatoes were poisonous. Although the tomato fruit itself is not toxic, but the leaves and twigs contain glycoalkaloid tomato plants that can cause abdominal pain and nervous. Tomato leaves and twigs can be used in cooking, but can not be eaten. Glycoalkaloid this is that even a strong poison used to control the plague. 

2. Apple 
Apple is famous as a tasty and healthy fruit but do you know that apples contain Cyanide / Cyanide, although only in small amounts. Cyanide content was found in the apple seed. While eating all the seeds are there in 1 apple does not shut down, but it is something that should be shunned. Because if you eat a certain amount, would result in complications. 

3. Cheri 
Cheri is food that can be eaten most varied. Can be eaten raw, baked, made sweets, even in the liquor. Although famous Cheri delicious, this fruit contains toxic hydrogen cyanide. If this cherry pip chewed or destroyed by accident, he will issue a hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide poisoning in small doses will lead to dizziness, confusion, and vomiting. Poisoning in large doses will mengakibarkan kesulatan breathing, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and even kidney failure that can lead to coma and death due to respiratory tract. 

4. Almond 
Although people call Almond nut is actually a grain, which is very famous in the world. As it was Apple, Almond also mengadung cyanide. Almond is very poisonous if not processed in the heat of his right to remove toxins. In many countries, Almond is prohibited sold before being processed to remove the toxic cyanide from him. 

5. Potato 
Surely all of us have never heard even eat potatoes. What we have not heard is that the potato is probably toxic. Twigs and leaves even its own potatoes poisonous. If you have a closer look at potatoes, most likely from the potatoes that we've seen somewhat greenish. This is caused by toxic glycoalkaloid. In history, deaths from these potatoes ever happen although rare. 
Most are from drinking tea or eating potato potato leaves are greenish. Death does not come quickly and suddenly, but usually its victims will become weak and then fell into a coma. Therefore, do not eat potatoes that have green dots as eyes, skin greenish, or who have been rooted. Remove the potatoes rather than its present. 

6. Chili 
Looks like no one among us who never eat chili. Whatever type of chili (the chili pepper, curly, green, etc.) contain a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is what makes it a spicy chili. Sangalah hard where this chemical can be used to remove paint, and even used as "pepper spray" that can blind the eye. Bilan capsaicin is where a certain amount, will cause death. 

7. Monkey Nuts 
Like almonds, this monkey is actually not nuts but seeds. When you membli raw monkey nuts, peanuts are actually raw but never mind not been steamed first. This is because, these nuts contain urushiol poison that must be steamed to remove the poison first. Monkey nut poisoning are extremely rare, but the people who worked at the factory to separate the bean from its skin monkey sometimes experience side effects caused by the toxin urushiol. 

8. Mushrooms 
There are about 5000 species of fungi in the United States and about 100 known toxic and less than a dozen are fungi that memtikan. In general, fungi can cause digestive disturbances in intestinal gas for those who are allergic to it. Because many species of fungi that exist in the world, it is very difficult to know exactly which toxic reply. Basically, a fungus that grows wild over possible toxic. One of the most toxic type of mold is the "Alpha-amanitin", which can damage the liver. 

9. Pufferfish 
Pufferfish Fish is the most toxic veterbrata second in the world. Korean and Japanese people most like to eat these fish. Many do not know that the liver of this fish is poisonous partner that can lead to death. The poison known as tetrodotoxin which can cause high blood pressure, numbness and paralysis of nerves that can cause breathing failure and death. 

10. Cassava (yuca) 
Probably not many of us who know this food. Cassava is found in karibean and South America. Cassava can be eaten sweet or pahit.Makanan contains cyanogenic glocosides which was highly toxic. From the smell, cassava will repel insects and even animals, and if not properly process will result in death.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Brain Sport

Exercise the brain as important as the sports body. With a brain sport, will form new nerve that can protect against dementia or dementia symptoms. Here are some ways that can be done to exercise the brain: 

1. Familiarize also active as a left-handed and right-handed
Perform tasks with non-dominant hand, if the normally dominant right hand then use the left hand (lefty) and vice versa. For example when using a computer mouse, brushing teeth and tying shoes in the opposite direction. According to the Franklin Institute, the type of exercise is to strengthen existing neural connections and even form new nerve. 

2. Reading 
Reading can flex its muscles in the brain, good light reading (like comics or magazines) as well as reading for information. And according to Dr. studies. Nikolaos Scarmeas in 2001, reading can help build "cognitive reserve" to delay the onset of dementia. 

3. Playing a puzzle or a crossword puzzle 
Crossword, puzzle, Sudoku and other puzzle types, can train the brain, especially the left hemisphere, according Learning Rx cognitive training center. Add new strategies to effectively exercise the brain, such as solving crossword puzzles with an unusual theme. 

4. Playing the game strategy 
Strategy games like chess, monopoly or any other computer games, will use the right brain that can help people to think more creatively. 

5. Change routine 
According to Lawrence Katz, professor of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, changed routines and new ways of living can activate the brain connections that were previously inactive. Exercises that can be done for example, bathing with eyes closed or reset your office or desk. 

6. Learning foreign languages 
By learning a foreign language will enable the brain that has not been used since you started talking. A study in 2007 at York University in Toronto, found that use multiple languages to increase the blood supply to the brain to maintain the health of nerve connections. 

7. Enjoy music 
Besides listening to music, learn also to play a musical instrument. The experts also recommended to enable the two senses at once, such as listening to music and smell the flowers. 

8. Physical Exercise 
Physical exercise also can improve brain health, because it can increase blood flow to the brain. According to the Stanford Center on Longevity and The Max Planck Institute for Human Development, physical exercises to improve attention, reasoning and memory. 

9. Social Life 
The brain can be trained with your social life, for example by visiting a friend. A 2006 study by Dr. David Bennett of Rush University Medical Center found that having a social network can provide protection against clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. 

10. Looking for a new hobby 
Challenge your brain to learn new skills or things you've never done before. If you are not an artist, try to learn to paint or sculpt. If you can play piano, learn to play guitar. Find something new and interesting to be able to keep the brain remains active.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some Things You Might Not Know About father

1. My father wanted his children have more opportunities than he did, face fewer difficulties, less dependent on anyone, and always requires his presence. 

2. Dad let you win in the game when you were little, but he does not want you to let her win when you are older. 

3. My father was not in the family photo album, because he is always shooting. 

4. Dad was always a little sad when she saw her children go to play with their friends. kkarena he realized it was the end of their childhood. 

5. My father started planning your life when knowing that your mother pregnant, but once you were born, he began to make revisions. 

6. Daddy helped make dreams come true even he too could convince you to do impossible things, like swimming in the water after he was let go. 

7. Father might not know the answer to everything, but he helps you search for it. 

8. Dad may look fierce in your eyes, but in the eyes of your friends and loved him look good. 

9. Dad slowly got friends, but he was friends for life. 

10. Dad was really pleased to help someone, but it is difficult to ask for help. 

11. Daddy in the kitchen. Making and cooking as scientific exploration. He had formulas and formulas racikannya own, and only he himself who understands how to solve complicated equations. And the result? ... . Mmmmhhh ... "not too disappointing" ^ _ ~ 

12. Father knows best how to push the swing high enough to make you happy but do not be afraid. 

13. Dad would love to buy you food after he got home from work, although he could not even part of the food. 

14. Dad always pray that we be successful in the world and the hereafter, although we rarely even rarely pray. 

15. I will give you the best seat with the lift you in his shoulder, when the parade passed. 

16. Dad will not pamper you when you're sick, but he will not sleep all night. Who knows you need it. 

17. My father believed people should be on time. Therefore, he was always waiting for you earlier. 

18. He would forget what he wanted, to be able to give you what you need. 

19. He stopped what he was doing, if you want to talk. 

20. He is always thinking and working hard to pay your school each semester, although you never thought about it, how he got it. 

21. Daddy weight lifting from your shoulders with his hands around the burden. 

22. Dad would say, "Ask your mother," when he wanted to say "No". 

23. Dad never got angry, but his face will be flushed when the girl staying at a friend's house without permission. 

24. And he almost never gets mad, except when his son caught smoking bathroom. 

25. Dad said, it's okay to take a little risk provided you could lose what you expect. 

26. The best compliment for a dad was when he saw you do something good just like how. 

27. My father is more proud of the achievements, rather than his own accomplishments. 

28. Dad just will menyalamimu when first leaving you to go wander the house, because if he might hug she could never let go. 

29. Dad does not like to shed a tear. When you were born and she hears you cry for the first time, he was very pleased as to exit the water from his eyes (ssst.. But again this is not crying). 

30. When you were little, she can hold you to expel your fear ... when you dream will kill the monster ... 

31. But, it turns out she can cry and could not sleep all night, when her beloved daughter at the shoreline did not give the news for almost a month. 

32. My father once said, "If you want to get a sharp sword and a high quality, do not look for the market especially junkman, but come and book directly from the clever iron. Likewise with love and friends in your life, if you want to get the love of your life one day, then ask and order on the Creator " 

33. For the future of her son's father advised, "Be strong and brave than me, choose a mother to your children someday a better woman than your mother, give a better in-law and my grandchildren, than what have I give to you" . 

34. And for the future of her daughter's father advised, "Do not cry baby though you're a woman, be my little angel and the angel is always best to father your children someday. Men are more able to protect more than the protection of my father, but do not you replace the position of father in your heart " 

35. My father insisted, that your children will have to behave better than you first. 

36. Father can make you confident, because he believed you. 

37. Dad did not try to be the best, but he's just trying to do my best.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

anything about farting

Gas present in the digestive tract largely derived from the air we swallow and the fermentation of food by bacteria along the digestive tract. At school, we had to learn that humans live in the digestive tract are 2 types of bacteria that is bad bacteria and good bacteria. Bad bacteria can make us sick, and fortunately the number of bacteria is very very small. 

Good bacteria called good because he helps the human digestive process by breaking the food we eat into substances needed human substances. Well, this is the solution process which will produce gas. 

Gas gas produced quite varied, ranging from karbondioksia gas, methane and hydrogen sulfide. Methane is flammable, so do not be surprised if there is someone who farts can burn. 

Carbon dioxide are odorless and heavier than oxygen. While hydrogen sulfide responsible for the odor released by the fart. 

Everyone has a different collection of bacteria vary in pencernaanya channel so that the smell of farts would be different. Type of food we eat also plays an important role in this type of gas produced. So, someone farts smell has nothing to do with heredity or brotherhood and friendship. 

fart smell??: 
Then the question arises, can we make our farts smell more fragrant? Eg like the smell of perfume Axe, Cassablanca or the other. Some could argue that is by taking antibiotics or drink Germy good. But unfortunately this does not always work successfully. But it does not hurt you to try as long as no adverse effect on health. 

what's wrong with farting? 
1. Where fart? 
Of gas in the intestines. Gas in the gut comes from air we swallow, who broke into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from the chemical reaction of the bacteria in the stomach. 

2. What is the composition of fart? 
Varied. The more air you swallow, the more levels of nitrogen in the gas (oxygen from the air absorbed by the body before it reaches the intestine). The presence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids 
produce carbon dioxide. The bacteria also produce methane and hydrogen. The proportion of each gas depending on what you eat, how much air you swallowed, the type of bacteria in the gut, how long we hold fart. The longer withstand wind, the greater the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal wall. People who eat in a hurry oxygen levels in fart more because his body did not 
had time to absorb oxygen. (So do not like to stifle a fart). 

3. Why do farts stink? 
Fart smell because the content of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan. Both these compounds containing sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more sulfides and mercaptan produced by bacteria 
in the stomach, & the more you fart busuklah. Egg & meat has a big role in producing the smell of rotten fart. Legumes play a role in producing the volume of farts, not in kebusukannya. 

4. Why do farts making a sound? 
Due to the vibration of the anus when gas is produced. The severity depends on the speed of sound of gas. (And your anus hole diameter, hi .. hi ....) 

5. Why do farts are stinking hot & no voice? 
One source of fart is a bacterium. Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat, the gas side is rotten. Gas bubble size is smaller, warm and saturated with bacterial metabolic products noisome. It later became a fart, though only a small volume, but the SBD (Silent But Deadly). 

6. How much gas is produced daily? 
The average half-liter a day in 14 times fart. 

7. Why do farts come out through the anus? 
Because of its density is lighter, why do not fart gas to travel upward? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push it downward. Pressure around the lower rectum. Intestinal peristalsis make room becomes pressurized, forcing the contents of the intestine, including its gas to move into supervision 
which pressure is lower, namely around the anus. On the way to the anus, small bubbles join a large bubble. If there was no peristalsis, the gas bubbles will break through to the top 
again, but not too much, because the intestine which form intricate & berbeit around the bush. (Imagine that if farts out of the nostrils). 

8. How much time required by the fart to travel kehidung others. Depending on the condition of the air, like humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, fart gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' 
with 'receiver'. Once leaving the source, spread fart gas concentration is reduced. If the fart is not detected within a few seconds, it means having the dilution in the air and disappeared into the air forever. Except if you fart in a cramped space, such as elevators, cars, more concentration, so the smell would stay in waktulama until finally absorbed by the wall. 

9. Does everyone fart? 

Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people still bisakentut. (So do not be ashamed if often fart) 

10. Is it true men fart more often than women? 
Nothing to do with gender .. If true, it means that women hold farts, fart a lot and now a distinguished number is issued. (That's why women are more smelly fart, ha .. ha ....) 

11. As what usually people fart? 
In the morning on the toilet. the so-called "morning thunder". If the resonance is good, can be sounded throughout the house. 

12. Why not eat nuts cause a lot of fart? 
Nuts contain sugars that the body can not digest. Tsb sugar (raffinose, stachiose, erbascose) if it reaches the colon, bacteria in the gut immediately feasted and made a lot of gas. Corn, peppers, cabbage, flowers 
cabbage, milk also causes a lot of farting (no smell!). 

13. Besides food, what are the causes of fart? 
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, eat without chewing, drinking soft drinks, a plane (because of lower air pressure, so that the gas in the gut expanded and emerged as a fart). 

14. Is farting together with saltpeter, but emerged from another hole? 
Not ... burp emerges from the abdomen, another chemical composition with fart. Saltpeter contain more air, gassy fart Produced by bacteria more. 

15. Where the departure of fart gas is not released if arrested? 
Not absorbed blood, not disappeared because the leak .. but migrate to the top to the intestine and in turn will be out as well. So it's not gone, but only postponed. 

16. Could fart on fire? 
Could be. Farts contain methane, a combustible hydrogen (natural gas containing these components as well). When burned, its flame is blue because the content of the element hydrogen. (Kalo climbed mountains, forget to bring a book of matches but want to cook instant noodle, wear make fart aja turn on the stove) 

17. Can lit a match with a fart? 
Do not be making it up ... Another consistency. Also the temperature is not hot enough to initiate combustion. 

18. Why do farts dog & cat is more rotten? 
Because dogs and cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat is rich in protein. Proteins contain much sulfur, so this animal farts smell more rotten. Other herbivores such as cows, horses, elephants, producing fart more, longer, louder sound, but relatively odorless. (So better keep the elephants at home rather than dog). 

19. Is it true if you can smell the fart drunk 2-3 times in a row? 
Flatus contains less oxygen, may experience dizziness if you just smell the fart too much. (So who had a hobby of fart smell, should dikurangin) 

20. What color fart? 
Colorless. If the color is orange like nitrogen oxide, will be found out who farted. 

21. Fart was whether acid, alkaline or neutral? 
Acid, because it contains karbondioksisa (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). 

22. What happens if someone farted on Venus? 
The planet Venus has many containing sulfur (sulfur) in the lining of the air, so there he farted no effect.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Each person must have experienced hiccups, twitching in the eye, or too much evaporates. From now on do not ignore the signs. It is not related to the myth, but this relates to your own body's health you know ...! According to the opinion of the body's health researchers, said that the body have been twitching or hiccups could be a sign that your body was having mild disorders. While light does not mean you have to ignore them. Because, to understand the signals given your body, you can be more concerned with the health of your body. 
Some things that often we experience something like this: 

1. Twitching of the eyelids 
It is the unconscious movement of the body, can occur anywhere on the body, often occur in small muscles, sometimes in large muscles. This shows that your body is less rest. Even health experts agree that 99% of the eye caused by spasms in your body hit by stress and extremely tired. There is no way to get rid of twitch and eye in addition to giving your body a rest. Compress the eye with warm water may also help, because in that area will get a pretty good blood flow. 

2. Too Much Yawning
Yawning does not always mean sleepy. Yawning is a signal that your body is less than moving. For example, you are too serious to work until you've forgotten the 5 hours spent sitting in front of the computer. Too many yawning also means that the oxygen in your brain decreased in number. This condition can cause you not to concentrate on your work and reduce the level of your awareness to the surrounding environment. 

3. Hiccup 
If you had the hiccups when you're not eating, it could mean that your body is experiencing stress. This is because with the hiccups can release stress hormones into the bloodstream and stimulate the nerve fibers in excess. As a result, involuntary muscle contraction which is located near the vocal cords to create sound. The easiest way to relieve the hiccups is to consume less sugar. Granulated sugar will stimulate the nerve endings behind the esophagus that inhibits nerve impulses others, so that any hiccups subside. 

4. Leg Cramps 
If you often experience cramps in the legs every night is intense it is a sign that your body is dehydrated, lack of calcium and magnesium. To overcome this drink more water than usual and the consumption of milk is also highly recommended calcium 

5. Red Nose
The sign you ate too many sweet foods, such as chocolate. These foods trigger vascular smooth tip of the nose to be developed. Well, if the nose becomes red, should reduce sweet foods. Red nose can also be a measure of whether the burden is too heavy heart.

6.Lip Color changes 
If your lip color pale lip blood shortage. When the pale purple color could be a problem in your lungs. The black color indicates a problem in the liver. The red color arises when the body temperature is too high. While subtle yellow color signifies your weak heart 

7.increases wrinkles in forehead
The sign burden too heavy hearts. Reduce alcohol and animal fat. Drink the water 3 times daily 
8. Rapid hair graying 
The sign you are too hard thinking and feeling depressed. Expand the consumption of water plants, fruit cow's milk, black beans and black sesame. It may also gray hair is heredity 

9. Black eye socket 
The sign that your body is tired kidney burden becomes heavy. Reduce consumption of salt, sugar, coffee and strong tea. You have to multiply to consume cow's milk carrots, beans and fruit. 

10. Colored cheeks gloominess 
The sign of your body deprived of oxygen and impaired respiratory function. Leisurely walk in the park can help you get fresh air. And multiply the consumption of green vegetables. Helpful to add protein and absorb minerals

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Excess Yellow Pumpkin, The Mascot Halloween

Apart from its role as a mascot, yellow squash is also good for consumption. Many of which can be processed from raw materials produce by  this pumpkin, ranging from bread, soup, etc..

Pumpkin is also useful very good for our health, according to nutrition experts, pumpkin is rich in vitamin content, natural fiber, minerals and water.
Pumpkin may help treat high blood pressure, improving digestion, lower the heat and treat diabetes.
The content of beta carotene in pumpkin could help boost immunity and can prevent damage to body cells. Beta carotene is also able to prevent the onset of diseases such as cancer and heart attacks.
As a source of carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, yellow squash is also beneficial able to prevent the occurrence of cataract disease.

Seeds can be consumed, and usually if a watermelon seeds. The seeds of this pumpkin other than the consumption good as pumpkin seeds, was also able to dispel tapeworm and also capable of functioning as a cure nausea, a hangover, prevent urinary stones, improves immune system and maintain prostate health. Minerals and pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids are certainly beneficial to the body.

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