Saturday, December 11, 2010


Each person must have experienced hiccups, twitching in the eye, or too much evaporates. From now on do not ignore the signs. It is not related to the myth, but this relates to your own body's health you know ...! According to the opinion of the body's health researchers, said that the body have been twitching or hiccups could be a sign that your body was having mild disorders. While light does not mean you have to ignore them. Because, to understand the signals given your body, you can be more concerned with the health of your body. 
Some things that often we experience something like this: 

1. Twitching of the eyelids 
It is the unconscious movement of the body, can occur anywhere on the body, often occur in small muscles, sometimes in large muscles. This shows that your body is less rest. Even health experts agree that 99% of the eye caused by spasms in your body hit by stress and extremely tired. There is no way to get rid of twitch and eye in addition to giving your body a rest. Compress the eye with warm water may also help, because in that area will get a pretty good blood flow. 

2. Too Much Yawning
Yawning does not always mean sleepy. Yawning is a signal that your body is less than moving. For example, you are too serious to work until you've forgotten the 5 hours spent sitting in front of the computer. Too many yawning also means that the oxygen in your brain decreased in number. This condition can cause you not to concentrate on your work and reduce the level of your awareness to the surrounding environment. 

3. Hiccup 
If you had the hiccups when you're not eating, it could mean that your body is experiencing stress. This is because with the hiccups can release stress hormones into the bloodstream and stimulate the nerve fibers in excess. As a result, involuntary muscle contraction which is located near the vocal cords to create sound. The easiest way to relieve the hiccups is to consume less sugar. Granulated sugar will stimulate the nerve endings behind the esophagus that inhibits nerve impulses others, so that any hiccups subside. 

4. Leg Cramps 
If you often experience cramps in the legs every night is intense it is a sign that your body is dehydrated, lack of calcium and magnesium. To overcome this drink more water than usual and the consumption of milk is also highly recommended calcium 

5. Red Nose
The sign you ate too many sweet foods, such as chocolate. These foods trigger vascular smooth tip of the nose to be developed. Well, if the nose becomes red, should reduce sweet foods. Red nose can also be a measure of whether the burden is too heavy heart.

6.Lip Color changes 
If your lip color pale lip blood shortage. When the pale purple color could be a problem in your lungs. The black color indicates a problem in the liver. The red color arises when the body temperature is too high. While subtle yellow color signifies your weak heart 

7.increases wrinkles in forehead
The sign burden too heavy hearts. Reduce alcohol and animal fat. Drink the water 3 times daily 
8. Rapid hair graying 
The sign you are too hard thinking and feeling depressed. Expand the consumption of water plants, fruit cow's milk, black beans and black sesame. It may also gray hair is heredity 

9. Black eye socket 
The sign that your body is tired kidney burden becomes heavy. Reduce consumption of salt, sugar, coffee and strong tea. You have to multiply to consume cow's milk carrots, beans and fruit. 

10. Colored cheeks gloominess 
The sign of your body deprived of oxygen and impaired respiratory function. Leisurely walk in the park can help you get fresh air. And multiply the consumption of green vegetables. Helpful to add protein and absorb minerals


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