Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eat dirt nose was good for health

Doctors lung specialist Prof Dr Friedrich Austrian Bischinger never advise people to eat their own excrement because his nose is claimed to boost immunity. 

Prof. Bischinger discovery that could become controversial. Many lay people and paramedics who reject outright the theory of Prof. Bischinger and said that theory does not make sense. 

The reason dirt is dirt nasty nasal mucus dry because that was the garbage because dangerous enter the body. If you eat dirt nose is tantamount to eating all organisms or bacteria that should be removed through the nose. But according to Prof. Bischinger nose by using its own fingers is something that is healthy, fun and more in line with the human body. 

"Nose by using its own fingers can reach the place which of course can not be achieved if using a handkerchief. It also can keep the nose to keep them clean," said Prof. Bischinger, as quoted from DailyTimes. 

nose dirt itself formed from the dirt that comes into the nostrils through the process of respiration. Dust and dirt that enter the nose will be filtered by the filter or feathers. Stools that are not filtered be captured by the existing mucus dihidung. Over time this will harden mucus and dirt formed nose. 

"Eat dirt dry nose is a great way to strengthen the immune system. Medically it makes sense and reasonable thing to do. In the immune system, the nose is a filter that filters out many bacteria have become one and when this mixture arrives in the intestines will work as medicine, "said Prof Bischinger. 

"Modern medicine is always trying to do the same thing with a far more complicated methods, people are picking and eating naturally encourage their immune system for free," he added. 

Nose is a positive activity as it helps clean the nose of dirt. This is of course a person could breathe better because nothing is blocking the respiratory route. 

Prof. Bischinger show when you were little kids love to picking his own nose. But when this habit started growing up prevented by pressure from the community who think it is an act repugnant and anti-social. 

This result is quite astonishing, because all this time people think that is a dirt upil which should be discarded and not for consumption. But for Prof Bischinger, upil can also act as a vitamin that can increase a person's immune system. 

advice: if you feel disgusted to eat dirt nose, insert the drug into the capsule is then swallowed with water


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